The farm as a territorial paradigm: dynamics of agroecological production.


  • Mayra Espinosa Chico Amazon State University, Ecuador
  • Dalton Pardo Enríquez Amazon State University, Ecuador
  • Leo Rodríguez Badillo Amazon State University, Ecuador



family organization, intervention, territorial dynamics, territory


The farm is presented as a geographical space in which the ideological and strategic position related to production materializes. The objective was to analyze its dynamics as a consequence of the appropriation or confrontation of the intervention processes, having family organization as the main structuring agent. A comparative analysis of two specific cases was carried out: the Pindo Yaku chakra and the Mushukkausay chakra that represent the positions of change and resistance to change. Semi-structured surveys, guided tours, and participatory mapping of changes were conducted. In this sense, the producers appropriate or conflict with the intervention processes, and configure their productive space in relation to their logics, many of them related to the family cycle and land-financing resources. The Amazon farm is a stage in which processes of change and resistance to it are perceived. On the one hand, the plots are modified by dividing into sub-plots, each of which specializes, giving rise to a certain diversity at the productive unit level. On the other hand, it is preserved as an inherited resource in its form and content. The family is transformed into a legal organization that adapts to the normative model to access the benefits of the State, but the principles and the family way of making decisions, typical of the Kichwa culture, are maintained.


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How to Cite

Espinosa Chico, M., Pardo Enríquez, D. ., & Rodríguez Badillo, L. (2019). The farm as a territorial paradigm: dynamics of agroecological production. Iberoamerican Environment & Sustainability Journal, 2(1), 55-61.



Sustainable land management and food security