Evaluation of the use of a biocarbon on the absorption of cadmium from the soil and the productivity of the cocoa crop (Theobroma cacao L.) in the Ecuadorian Amazon.


  • Carlos Alfredo Bravo Medina Amazon State University, Ecuador
  • Reinaldo Demesio Alemán Pérez Amazon State University, Ecuador
  • Jorge Antonio Freile Almeida Amazon State University, Ecuador
  • Héctor Fernando Reyes Morán Amazon State University, Ecuador
  • Marco Washington Andino Inmunda Amazon State University, Ecuador
  • Jorge Luis Alba Rojas Amazon State University, Ecuador
  • Yamila Lazo Pérez Amazon State University, Ecuador
  • Ernesto Marino Ibarra Amazon State University, Ecuador




amazon, biocarbon, contamination, soil properties


Increasing levels of cadmium in agricultural soils cause environmental concern due to its mobility and the ease with which it is absorbed by plants. The objective of this study was to evaluate the performance of Farmland miracle fertilizer on the adsorption capacity of Cadmium from the soil and its effect on the productivity of the cocoa crop in the province of Napo, Ecuador. Three treatments distributed in a random block comprising three doses of Farmland miracle fertilizer (high, medium and low) were evaluated. A sampling was carried out prior to the establishment of the treatments and another at the end of the harvest period. For this, five soil samples were collected at two depths of 0-10 cm and 10 to 30 cm in the experimental area for the subsequent determination of physical, chemical properties and cadmium content in both soil and almonds. The cadmium content available in the initial and final soil exhibited concentrations considered low when compared to the critical value (2 mg kg-1) with a 99% reduction with the application of the Farmland miracle fertilizer (biocarbon). The cadmium concentration in the almonds for both dates turned out to be low when compared with the reference level (1 mg kg-1), which correspond to the registered values ??of cadmium concentration in the soil. However, with the application of biocarbon, there was a decrease in cadmium in almonds of approximately 97% with respect to the initial value.


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How to Cite

Bravo Medina, C. A., Alemán Pérez, R. D., Freile Almeida, J. A., Reyes Morán, H. F., Andino Inmunda, M. W., Alba Rojas, J. L., Lazo Pérez, Y., & Marino Ibarra , E. (2019). Evaluation of the use of a biocarbon on the absorption of cadmium from the soil and the productivity of the cocoa crop (Theobroma cacao L.) in the Ecuadorian Amazon. Iberoamerican Environment & Sustainability Journal, 2(1), 6-15. https://doi.org/10.46380/rias.v2i1.33



Sustainable land management and food security

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