Environmental education: An essential component of the initial training of the bachelor in Elemental Education.





elemental school teacher, environmental education, initial training


The initial training process of the graduate in Elemental Education, as a stage of appropriation of knowledge, skills and values, constitutes an ideal space to develop in the future professional, ways of acting in favor of the care and preservation of the environment. With the instrumentation of the Curricular Strategy of Environmental Education in the study plans of that career, the guidelines for achieving this purpose are established. However, the exploratory study carried out and the application of various research methods shows that there is still insufficient compliance, since this is not addressed from the integration of the substantive processes in the different disciplines and their outputs. The present work has as objective to expose the actions developed for the environmental education of the professionals in training, in the subjects of History of Cuba; which were conceived from the components of the initial training: academic, investigative work and extensionist. The active participation of the students in the conception, execution and evaluation of the activities carried out allows us to classify the results obtained as satisfactory.


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How to Cite

Bonilla Vichot, A. L., Arencibia Castro, M., & Pereda Cuesta, I. F. (2020). Environmental education: An essential component of the initial training of the bachelor in Elemental Education. Iberoamerican Environment & Sustainability Journal, 3(1), 26-34. https://doi.org/10.46380/rias.v3i1.72



Education, culture and environmental communicatione