Contribute to the ecoethology knowledge of the Trichomysterus (Actinopterygii, trichomycteridae) from the river Umajalanta, Potosí, Bolivia.


  • Enrique Richard Manabí Agricultural Polytechnic Superior School Manuel Félix López, Ecuador
  • Denise Ilcen Contreras Zapata Universidad Mayor de San Andrés, Bolivia



adaptation, ecology, ethology, habitat, synonymies


The objective of the research is to contribute to the knowledge on the Eco ethologic of the Trichomycterus of Umajalanta river. This catfish has to morphologies: the pigmented epigeal (T. cf barbouri), and the allopatric (T. chaberti) hypogea depigmented, with reduced vision, endemic and vulnerable. Two expeditions to the study area have been made, so the morphs have been studied in situ thought direct observation, experimental ethological design and with 24 hrs underwater camera recording. This work shows that: 1) The Trichomycterus cf barbouri and T. chabertiare are the same specie. 2) Their habitat is shared and continues. 3) The Trichomycterus sp has a great ecological adaptation. 4) Lives in enviroments with temperatures between 90°C and 280°C. 5) The activity levels vary according to temperature, been more actives at higher temperatures. 6) The epigeal specie are has activity during the night, the hypogea one activity is during the day. 7) They can breathe atmospheric air (gastric respiration). 8) In drought of their habitats the specie has the capacity to move out of the water and follow humidity lines looking for watered areas. 9) The individuals that live in the dark look depigmented at a light source, but when they are illuminated several minutes they acquire coloration according to the environment.


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How to Cite

Richard, E., & Contreras Zapata, D. I. (2019). Contribute to the ecoethology knowledge of the Trichomysterus (Actinopterygii, trichomycteridae) from the river Umajalanta, Potosí, Bolivia. Iberoamerican Environment & Sustainability Journal, 2(3 (Edición especial), 161-171.



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