Art for the environment: Projection from the High Education Artist Movement Point of view


  • Caridad Dailyn López Cruz Ministry of Higher Education, Cuba
  • Ileana Victoria Salgado Izquierdo Ministry of Higher Education, Cuba
  • Yorliet Adela Díaz Suárez University of Sciences of Physical Culture and Sports, Cuba



action plan, cultural promotion, environmental sensibility, festival systems, university extension


The amateur’s artist movement of the High Education and the University Student Federation will celebrate on 2020 the 25th festival, being this one the oldest cultural activity in this education level. Nonetheless, in the analysis of the official documents that resumes the history of its management until 2018, is evident that the environmental culture promotion from the art expressions has not been addressed with the intentionality needed to sensitive the university community regarding the problematic the planet lives today, thru this universal language. The interviews and polls applied express not only recognition of this need, the disposition of authors to overturn in spokesmen and the favorable condition for the impact of their projection, but also the urgency increase to strength extensionists policies headed to the formation of practical and critical conscience to face the environmental respect. The objective of the present work is to expose the Plan de acción para la promoción de la cultura ambiental desde el Movimiento de Artistas Aficionados (período 2018-2020), that is been implemented by the High Education Ministry from the University Extension Management in order to root as an indissoluble component the environmental dimension from the art on Cuban University.


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How to Cite

López Cruz, C. D., Salgado Izquierdo, I. V., & Díaz Suárez, Y. A. (2019). Art for the environment: Projection from the High Education Artist Movement Point of view. Iberoamerican Environment & Sustainability Journal, 2(3 (Edición especial), 125-134.



Education, culture and environmental communicatione