Variation of some physiological indicators and performance components with organic fertilization in the variety of crystalline sugarcane in the conditions of the Ecuadorian Amazon.


  • Reinaldo Demesio Alemán Pérez Amazon State University, Ecuador
  • Javier Domínguez Brito Amazon State University, Ecuador
  • Carlos Alfredo Bravo Medina Amazon State University, Ecuador
  • Edgar Rubén Iza Guanoluisa Amazon State University, Ecuador
  • Héctor Fernando Reyes Morán Amazon State University, Ecuador
  • Jorge Antonio Freile Almeida Amazon State University, Ecuador
  • Jorge Luis Alba Rojas Amazon State University, Ecuador
  • Ernesto Marino Téllez Amazon State University, Ecuador
  • Eberto Pablo Gutiérrez Morales Amazon State University, Ecuador



organic fertilizers, sugar cane


The objective of the study was to analyze the variation of some physiological indicators and performance components with organic fertilization in the variety of crystalline sugarcane in the ecuadorian Amazon. The research was carried out on the San Carlos farm, located in the Oswaldo Hurtado compound on the Puyo-Macas road, km 29, belonging to the Simón Bolívar parish in the Pastaza canton, Pastaza province, and consisted of studying the behavior of the Cristalina variety known as Lima striped before the application of two organic fertilizers, Pollinaza and Bagazo plus a control where no fertilization was made. A randomized complete block design with three replicates was used, and variables such as tillering, number of stems per seedling, height and diameter of stems, leaf area and leaf area index were evaluated; The agricultural yield in megagrams per hectare was also calculated. The results were processed by means of an analysis of variance and Tuckey's test to determine the differences between the means for the significance level of 95% (P <0.05). It was shown that the main morphological, physiological and productive indicators of the Cristalina cane variety were superior from the organic fertilization with Pollinaza, with values ??of 15 stems per seedling, 160 cm in height 270 days after sprouting, 17.6 m2 of leaf area, with a leaf area index of 5.9 and an agricultural yield of 145 Mg ha-1.


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How to Cite

Alemán Pérez, R. D., Domínguez Brito, J., Bravo Medina, C. A., Iza Guanoluisa, E. R., Reyes Morán, H. F., Freile Almeida, J. A., Alba Rojas, J. L., Marino Téllez, E., & Gutiérrez Morales, E. P. . (2019). Variation of some physiological indicators and performance components with organic fertilization in the variety of crystalline sugarcane in the conditions of the Ecuadorian Amazon. Iberoamerican Environment & Sustainability Journal, 2(1), 16-24.



Sustainable land management and food security

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