Human rights in fiscal and environmental matters in Mexico




constitutional principles, environment, environmental legislation, legality


The objective of the research was to analyze the human rights contained in the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States from the principle of legality, which, with greater support, allows interpretation to comply with the provisions, protect the governed and other living beings, and impose limits on those who affect the environment. Likewise, grant powers to the authorities to establish sanctions that are effective in protecting the individual and the natural heritage. The research was carried out through an exploratory documentary study of this topic, as well as reflections from consulted authors and their own, in order to capture, based on the law, the defense of the rights they protect. As a result, it was evident that the sanctions and variants that are imposed on the offender for violating the care of nature and the human rights that are affected when the environment is unhealthy include everything from taxes and fines to security measures such as temporary closure or definitive closure and suspension of concessions and licenses.


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How to Cite

Aguirre Guzmán, M. G., Medina Celis, L. M., & Pelegrín Mesa, A. (2023). Human rights in fiscal and environmental matters in Mexico. Iberoamerican Environment & Sustainability Journal, 6, e312.



Policy and environmental law