Contribution of the Iberoamerican Environment Network to environmental formation in Latin America and the Caribbean.




community leaders, endogenous development, sustainability, systematization


One of the principal objectives of the Latin American Network of Environment (REIMA, A.C.) is to contribute with the formation of the environmental community leaders to manage the endogenous development projects, to favor the participation of vulnerable groups and the young population in general. Therefore, the objective of this work is to systematize the experiences of the Latin American Network of Environment, A.C. in the topic of environmental formation in Latin America and the Caribbean has contributed with the  environmental formation of thousands of teachers, investigators, students and other social actors by means of interchanging experiences to carry out projects of investigation and development, and the organization  of academic events (courses, seminaries, congresses, workshops, working time and lecturers) related to the environmental support in Latin American. The articulation among more than hundred institutions than conform REIMA, A.C. in 17 countries in Latin American, Europe and North America, has allowed that REIMA, A.C. has developed many congresses, the publication of almost 20 books, hundreds of post grades, courses, masteries and doctorates, as well as. The structuring platforms for coordinating work among more than 5 thousand members of this net.


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How to Cite

Puerta de Armas, Y. G., Ulloa Bonilla, S. Y., & López Cruz, C. D. (2020). Contribution of the Iberoamerican Environment Network to environmental formation in Latin America and the Caribbean. Iberoamerican Environment & Sustainability Journal, 3(1), 61-73.



Education, culture and environmental communicatione