Analysis of analysis of university sustainability from the whole institutional approach




curriculum, circular economy, learning environments, sustainability metrics


The present study was of an exploratory type, its purpose was the analysis of how research applied to the solution of institutional problems can become a living learning environment on university campuses. In this case, a research project (2019-2021) for the management of organic waste from the kitchen of the cafeterias of the University of Panama. A descriptive analysis of the academic spaces created for student participation and the scope of the results was carried out in all phases of the project, from the environmental audit of waste to the operationalization and optimization of composting techniques. As a comparison metric, the Sustainability Monitoring, Evaluation and Qualification System was selected, due to its comprehensive approach in higher education institutions; it was also used for the analysis of the strategic axis of sustainability of the University of Panama. The study made it possible to demonstrate that the project becomes a sustainable proposal for waste management, and a space for curricular and co-curricular transformation for the development of experiences and the achievement of learning results.


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How to Cite

Araúz Santamaría de Monteza, Y. (2022). Analysis of analysis of university sustainability from the whole institutional approach. Iberoamerican Environment & Sustainability Journal, 5, e247.



Management of environmental risks and climate change