The Independence Heroes' Square in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, towards its banalization




colony, ecosystem service, fragmentation, fugitive slave, heritage, urban development


The Plaza de los Héroes de la Independencia, also called Plaza del Campo de Marte, heir to the Sabana del Rey since 1749, was the subject of several renovation projects. Over the years, the authorities have integrated other issues away from the central motif of this public square; so that the patriotic fervor that he once embodied has been diluted. The objective of the research consisted of making an analysis of the evolution of the Plaza throughout its history and what future awaits it, based on the different interventions carried out by the successive political authorities, contrasting with the approach applied in cities all over the world. the world, which create green spaces to improve the quality of life of its inhabitants. The sources of information were scientific articles, documents, the Bulletin of the Institute for the Safeguarding of National Heritage, maps of the square, interviews and, finally, field visits. The analysis of the evolution of the square revealed the scant importance given to public spaces in terms of ecosystem services provided. The fragmentation of the park into a series of units causes the loss of its symbolism, its own identity and, ultimately, its banalization.


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How to Cite

Piou, J. F., & de la Fuente de Val, G. (2023). The Independence Heroes’ Square in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, towards its banalization. Iberoamerican Environment & Sustainability Journal, 6, e234.



Environmental management in human settlements