Urban solid waste characterization and food waste of the Metropolitan District of Quito





greenhouse gases, landfill, metabolic network, metabolic pattern


The Metropolitan District of Quito generates solid urban waste with a significant organic composition, from food waste, which produces greenhouse gases and contributes to global warming and climate change. The purpose of this research was to quantify food waste in households in Quito, characterize the metabolism of urban solid waste management in the city, and estimate the contribution of this management to greenhouse gas emissions. The research is quantitative of an exploratory type. A survey was used to collect primary information, secondary information was obtained through literature review. The methodology of metabolic networks and the tool to calculate greenhouse gases were applied. The total amount of food waste was approximately 202 kg/week, on average 0.76 kg/week/household. According to the results of the urban solid waste management metabolic network, 543 967 tons were contributed to the landfill; and, 6273 tons for recycling. The estimated emission of gases was 934 088 t CO2-eq/year. The characterization of urban solid waste management identified the metabolic pattern of the system, flows that are returned to society through recycling, and useful outputs such as composting and biogas.


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How to Cite

Oña-Serrano, X., Viteri-Salazar, O., Cadillo Benalcázar, J. J., & Buenaño Guerra, X. . (2022). Urban solid waste characterization and food waste of the Metropolitan District of Quito. Iberoamerican Environment & Sustainability Journal, 5, e230. https://doi.org/10.46380/rias.vol5.e230



Sustainable management of urban solid waste