Contribution of the La Salle Technological University to sustainable energy development of Nicaragua


  • Marco Vinicio Sandino Castillo Universidad Tecnológica La Salle, Nicaragua



electrical energy, renewable sources, sustainability, social impact


Sustainable development is a strategic objective for Nicaragua, who has proposed as a goal for 2027 the use of renewable sources in 90% of the energy generation that occurs in the country, exploiting the potential of water to achieve the above. In keeping with these projections, La Salle Technological University, since its founding in 2009, has contributed to this purpose not only since the promotion of sustainable development and the training of professionals who lead change through careers such as Mechanics; Renewable energy; Electrical and Energy Efficiency, the latter still in the design phase; but also from research and technological innovations through a center of studies on Biogas and Biodiesel, its productive applications and technological adaptations, which have been implemented mainly in rural areas with a high social impact. Likewise, outside the academic field, the university is part of national and international networks that focus on the promotion and execution of projects in sustainable energy fields. The present work exposes these experiences through the documentary analysis of the data collected in official sources of national and international institutions and organizations in this area, as well as reports of results, regulations, regulations and documents of La Salle University of Technology.


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2018-06-29 — Updated on 2020-05-09

How to Cite

Sandino Castillo , M. V. (2020). Contribution of the La Salle Technological University to sustainable energy development of Nicaragua. Iberoamerican Environment & Sustainability Journal, 1(1), 47-59.



Education, culture and environmental communicatione