
  • Vol. 7 (2024)

    With this volume, the Ibero-American Journal of Environment & Sustainability takes a very important qualitative leap, as it begins to be published jointly with the State University of the South of Manabí (UNESUM), a prestigious Ecuadorian higher education institution, with which REIMA, A.C. has maintained formal relations of cooperation since 2015. Likewise, the alliance with the Pan-American Foundation for International Cooperation for Sustainable Development (PAFICSD), based in Canada, allows RIAS to consolidate its presence beyond the Ibero-American space. As with any continuous publication, we offer authors the possibility of sharing the most relevant results of their research in real time and at no cost to them.

  • Vol. 6 (2023)

    En el volumen seis de la Revista Iberoamericana Ambiente & Sustentabilidad publicamos 14 artículos de autores de reconocido prestigio internacional de nueve países: Colombia, Cuba, Chile, Ecuador, El Salvador, España, Haití, México y Suecia. Compartimos en esta oportunidad uno de los últimos trabajos que dejara como legado el Dr. José Manuel Mateo Rodríguez, Profesor Emérito de la Universidad de La Habana y paradigma del movimiento ambiental latinoamericano. Muestra de las excelentes relaciones de cooperación con la Universidad Centro Panamericano de Estudios Superiores (UNICPES) de México y con Fondo Verde Internacional de Perú, se publican los principales resultados de las tesis doctorales de varios egresados de los diferentes programas de las referidas instituciones.

  • Vol. 5 (2022)

    In this volume of the Ibero-American Environment & Sustainability Magazine, the Ibero-American Environment Network (REIMA, A.C.) and the Pan-American Foundation for International Cooperation for Sustainable Development (PAFICSD) are pleased to publish 17 scientific articles by authors of recognized international prestige from Cuba- China, Ecuador, Mexico, Panama and Peru. In all cases results of research on sustainable land management and food security; environmental risk management and climate change; education, culture and environmental communication; sustainable management of water resources; environmental management in human settlements; sustainable management of solid urban waste and sustainable tourism.

  • Vol. 4 (2021)

    REIMA, A.C. and PAFICSD are pleased to present this new issue of our journal with the novelty that from now on RIAS will be a continuous publication, which will allow Ibero-American researchers to share in the shortest possible time the most relevant results of their research with our readers. In this single 2021 issue, 10 scientific articles by internationally renowned experts from Cuba, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Mexico and Peru are published, who have focused their research on topics related to: sustainable land management and food security; environmental risk management and climate change; environmental education, culture and communication; sustainable use of biodiversity and management of protected areas; sustainable tourism and university cooperation for sustainable development.

  • Vol. 3 No. 2 (2020)

    Siguiendo su camino, la Revista Iberoamericana Ambiente & Sustentabilidad pone a disposición de sus lectores los resultados de investigaciones realizadas en Ecuador, Cuba, Colombia, Brasil y Perú, cuyos temas se centran en el manejo de los recursos hídricos, la calidad del agua o su contaminación por metales pesados; la percepción social sobre estos; el manejo de floras locales; las alternativas de adaptación al cambio climático; y los procedimientos de gestión necesarios para un turismo sustentable o para lograr la educación para el desarrollo.

  • Vol. 3 No. 1 (2020)

    The Iberoamerican Environment & Sustainability Magazine shares in this issue a selection of the articles presented during the I Iberoamerican Congress on Environmental Education for Sustainability (Havana, Cuba, 2019), the II Iberoamerican Congress on Environmental Education for Sustainability (Riobamba, Ecuador , 2020), and the VI International Congress on Environmental Education (Madrid, Spain, 2020), organized by the Ibero-American Network for the Environment (REIMA, AC) in collaboration with other civil associations, universities, governmental and non-governmental organizations; by virtue of promoting the initiatives and contributions that various areas of science are exhibiting today by assuming environmental education transversally in their daily work.

  • Vol. 2 No. 3 (Edición especial) (2019)

    The Iberoamerican Environment & Sustainability Magazine makes available to its readers Numbers 2 and 3 of Volume 2; which are a selection of those presented at the V Iberoamerican Congress on Environment and Sustainability - Ecuador 2019, an event that took place at the State University of the South of Manabí (UNESUM) from June 10 to 14, 2019, and which had a total 421 delegates and guests from 15 countries.

  • Vol. 2 No. 2 (2019)

    The Iberoamerican Environment & Sustainability Magazine makes available to its readers Numbers 2 and 3 of Volume 2; which are a selection of those presented at the V Iberoamerican Congress on Environment and Sustainability - Ecuador 2019, an event that took place at the State University of the South of Manabí (UNESUM) from June 10 to 14, 2019, and which had a total 421 delegates and guests from 15 countries.

  • Vol. 2 No. 1 (2019)

    The articles that are made available to the reader in this issue constitute a choice from those presented at the III International Scientific Congress on Agroecology "Communities in harmony with nature", an event that took place at the Amazon State University from 25 to 29 June 2018, and which had a total of 574 delegates and guests from seven countries.

  • Vol. 1 No. 2 (2018)

    The articles included in Volume 1, Issue 2 of our magazine, is a selection of the best papers presented at the IV Ibero-American Conference on the Environment - Ecuador 2018. They are the result of long hours of research and field work , summarized in a dozen pages that recreate among others: environmental education experiences, environmental strategies and projects; ecosystem analysis; ways and means of putting renewable energy sources into operation; realities that prevail in the biodiversity that once lived harmoniously with the ancient cultures of the American peoples.

  • Vol. 1 No. 1 (2018)

    The articles that are made available to the reader in this issue constitute a selection of those presented at the III International Scientific Seminar on University Cooperation for Sustainable Development - Ecuador 2017, an event that took place at the Technical University of Cotopaxi from 22 to 24 November 2017, and which had a total of 231 delegates and guests from seven countries.