Revitalization of the use of food plants in the chakra kichwa of Sinchi Warmi Community Tourist Centre.




ancestral knowledge, cultural and natural heritage, ethnobotany, ethnography, environmental interpretation


The cultural revitalization has allowed that knowledge, practices and ancestral knowledge that are at risk of disappearing, can be revalued and passed to future generations for the sustainable management of their resources, in this context, this investigation had the objective of designing a proposal of revitalization of the use of edible plants in the kichwa chakra of Sinchi Warmi Community Tourist Center, located in the parish of Misahuallí port, Napo province. The methodologies implemented to collect the information were ethnography and ethnobotany, which allowed to investigate the historical social interaction of the kichwa Sinchi Warmi community in traditional system of the agricultural productive chakra, from the knowledge dialogue in order to consolidate scientific and traditional knowledge, to develop actions focused on the management and cultivation of plants, taking into consideration the intangible cultural heritage present. As a result, a 60 medical and edible plant species inventory was elaborated. With this information, a guide of food plants and a mobile application for the use of the community, tourists and visitors were created. This exposes a cultural revitalization as an effective alternative to keep alive the ancestral knowledge of this community.


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How to Cite

Estupiñán Hernández, M. J. (2020). Revitalization of the use of food plants in the chakra kichwa of Sinchi Warmi Community Tourist Centre. Iberoamerican Environment & Sustainability Journal, 3(2), 98-109.



Education, culture and environmental communicatione

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