Geographic and environmental education: Perception of risk for hydrometeorological hazards in the community.


  • Pablo Bayón Martínez University of Havana, Cuba



geographic education, environmental education, risk of natural hazards, perception


Geography and the study of subjectivism have revealed that the territorial imaginary has great importance in the spatial behavior of the human being, in the territoriality where each individual exists, regulator of their social practices. The present work is aimed at revealing the contribution of local geographic knowledge to the perception of risk from extreme hydro meteorological hazards, in the daily environment of people. An educational intervention project is conceived, designed and validated with a study group, around their community, applying the psychometric method as a methodological approach, to understand some of the subject's actions as the basis of vulnerability to the specific danger that is analyze. The general cognitive guidelines are identified for the conception, design and implementation of a geographic educational strategy, which is also environmental, susceptible to its adaptation according to the contexts, which is aimed at the environmental citizen cultural training, capable of guiding the ways of daily actions towards the paths of sustainability.


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How to Cite

Bayón Martínez, P. (2020). Geographic and environmental education: Perception of risk for hydrometeorological hazards in the community. Iberoamerican Environment & Sustainability Journal, 3(1), 15-25.



Education, culture and environmental communicatione