The effect on using clean technology in the drill control of coffee fruit (Hypothenemushampei Ferrari).


  • Richard Leonardo Palma Ponce State University of the South of Manabí, Ecuador
  • Jesús de los Santos Pinargote Chóez State University of the South of Manabí, Ecuador



coffee plantation, environmental contamination, ethological control, plants excerpts, semi-chemicals


The inadequate use of chemical peptides on farming contribute to the environmental contamination, highlighting the toxicity on human beings, the atmosphere contamination capacity, soil and water and above all the use of persistent substances or bioacumulative. The investigation took place in Jipijapa, Paján y 24 de Mayo, Manabí province. The objective was to determinate the effect of use of clean technology for the control of Hypothenemus hampei Ferrari, thought the use of two experiments: implementation of craft traps (ethological control) and the use of Petiveria alliacea and Azadirachta indica excerpts that controls the Hypothenemus hampei Ferrari (fruit drill) on the Coffea arabica cultivate. The ethological control were four treatments and three repetitions on each place, making twenty locality/traps with two semi-chemicals (substances with chemical message) distributed approximately 20 m x 20 m, booking every the number of captured drills. For the excerpts three concentration and three frequencies were applied, building ten treatments and three repetitions. According to the Tukey test on p< 0.05 we determinate the difference between tests. On the ethological control we obtain p-valor: 0.023, with a variation coefficient of 8.91. On the excerpts we obtain a statistic difference in adults’ mortality (p-valor: 0.0075; CV: 1.38%) and eggs with a p-valor: 0.0084 y CV de 0.85%, proving that there are friendly options friendly for the environment on the coffee plantation control.


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How to Cite

Palma Ponce, R. L., & Pinargote Chóez, J. de los S. (2019). The effect on using clean technology in the drill control of coffee fruit (Hypothenemushampei Ferrari). Iberoamerican Environment & Sustainability Journal, 2(2), 44-51.



Sustainable land management and food security