Impact of parabolic trough solar collectors in the Guairá sugar industry in reducing unsustainable biomass consumption


  • José María Gómez Universidad Nacional de Asunción, Paraguay
  • Eduardo Márquez Canosa Universidad Centro Panamericano de Estudios Superiores, México



deforestation, native forests, Paraguay, solar energy


The objective of this research was to evaluate the impact of the installation of parabolic trough solar collector technology in the sugar industry of the Department of Guairá, the main sugarcane production region of Paraguay, in reducing the consumption of firewood from native forests. By processing climatological data from the city of Tebicuary, obtained from the Photovoltaic Geographical Information System (PVGIS) tool, a solar field has been sized to be inserted in a hybridization process to the cogeneration system of a sugar plant. With this, a hybrid model was established, whose response to solar irradiation was simulated with the Transient System Simulation Tool (TRNSYS) software. The site's solar resource is sufficient to obtain saturated steam to be superheated at high pressure. The implementation of solar technology through this model would allow annually saving an area of native forests of between 42,252.58 ha to 79,223.59 ha for average and maximum consumption of auxiliary energy respectively. The results obtained constitute a reference in terms of the use of solar resources with a potential positive impact on the environment, similar studies can be carried out in other industries and areas of the country.


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How to Cite

Gómez, J. M., & Márquez Canosa, E. (2025). Impact of parabolic trough solar collectors in the Guairá sugar industry in reducing unsustainable biomass consumption. Iberoamerican Environment & Sustainability Journal, 8, e451.

