Perceptions of visitors on the urban green areas of the city of Tulcán. Environmental educational implications.


  • Santiago Andrés Santacruz Vallejo Northern Technical University, Ecuador
  • José Alí Moncada Rangel Northern Technical University, Ecuador



green areas, urban sustainability, visitors


Urban Green Areas (AVU) are guarantors of the quality of life of city dwellers. The sustainable management of these spaces must consider the characteristics of its users. The objective of the research was to determine the perception of visitors about the AVU of the city of Tulcán, province Carchi, Ecuador, in order to propose environmental educational orientations. A survey was applied to 180 visitors in 21 green areas of the city, following a non-probabilistic sampling of an intentional type. The information was recorded in a structured questionnaire that addressed the variables: Typology, characteristics of the visit, evaluation of services, perceived problems and proposed solutions. 67% of visitors are young adults who visit these spaces weekly (41%), to perform rest activities (46%) and sports (31%). The main means of transport used are on foot (53%) and bus (18%). Drinking water (42%) and sewage (43%) services are considered good. The problems they perceive are insecurity (47%), lack of infrastructure (33%) and lack of cleanliness (28%); 46% argue that these problems are caused by deficiencies in the municipal administration and the low environmental education of society (35%). The solutions focused on the implementation of awareness talks (48%) and increase in municipal (40%) and state investment (18%). The educational proposals, focused on the formal, non-formal and informal fields, are aimed at promoting the valuation of these spaces and the promotion of responsible behavior towards their use.


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How to Cite

Santacruz Vallejo, S. A., & Moncada Rangel , J. A. (2019). Perceptions of visitors on the urban green areas of the city of Tulcán. Environmental educational implications. Iberoamerican Environment & Sustainability Journal, 2(2), 14-22.



Education, culture and environmental communicatione