The ecological footprint, indicator of the social and environmental responsibility of cara until 2030.


  • Luz María Contreras Velázquez Metropolitan University, Ecuador
  • Lisbet Guillén Pérez Metropolitan University, Ecuador
  • Alleyne Formoso Mieres Metropolitan University, Ecuador



environmen, sustainability indicator, sustainable development


In order to achieve the Sustainable Development Goal for 2030, which proposes guaranteeing sustainable consumption and production modalities, the role that universities must assume as an education and environmental management manager is essential. The Ecological Footprint is a biophysical indicator that integrates the set of impacts that the community exerts on its environment, measured in terms of appropriation of ecosystems, which considers both the necessary resources and the waste generated to sustain said community. The present work arises with the objective of communicating to the university community of the Metropolitan University of Ecuador, the result of the ecological footprint focused on a single case study. The calculation tool available on the website of the Ministry of Environment of Ecuador was used, and an ecological footprint of 2.87 global hectares (hag) was obtained that exceeds the value of this indicator for the case of this country. This means that the assumed life style exceeds the limits of the planet and shows a conflicto between the consumption model and environmental sustainability. Finally, some corrective measures are exposed to reduce the ecological footprint in order to contribute to sustainable development.


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How to Cite

Contreras Velázquez, L. M., Guillén Pérez, L., & Formoso Mieres, A. (2019). The ecological footprint, indicator of the social and environmental responsibility of cara until 2030. Iberoamerican Environment & Sustainability Journal, 2(2), 5-13.



Education, culture and environmental communicatione