Evaluation of the impact and the sustainability of a standard sustainable management of the land in areas with reduce ecosystems and excessive climatological conditions.


  • Albaro Blanco Imbert Soil Institute - UCTB Guantánamo, Cuba
  • Illovis Fernández Betancourt Soil Institute - UCTB Guantánamo, Cuba
  • Teudys Limeres Jiménez Soil Institute - UCTB Guantánamo, Cuba
  • Marianela Cintra Soil Institute - UCTB Guantánamo, Cuba
  • José Antonio Márquez Soil Institute - UCTB Guantánamo, Cuba
  • Oscar Borges Escandon Soil Institute - UCTB Guantánamo, Cuba




soil, sustainability


With the objective to evaluate the impact and the sustainability of a standard sustainable management of the land in areas with reduce ecosystems and excessive climatological conditions. This work was done in the demonstrative location in the serving credit cooperative “Enrique Campos Caballero” situated in the south of Guantanamo municipality. Where adverse climatological conditions prevail such as low rainy periods, high potential evaporation and high temperatures besides there are accumulated acidity plains, sea food and soil with tendency to salinity.  To evaluate the impacts were used 14 registers that include economical, technological, social and environmental dimension. That were defined taking into consideration experts advise and base on the methodology described in the methodological guidebook for the evaluation of the Environmental Impact. To evaluate the sustainability were defined the registers that described the behaviors of the physical, financial, natural, social and human according to the methodology and the ideas of the framework proposed. The implementation of the model MST allowed to reach positive impacts in the evaluated registers, that they were reflected in the growth of the production, reducing of price per weight, growing of the monthly earnings, improvement of water productivity and soil quality, as well as the stability of the labour force. Evenly a positive evolution was founded in different assets, showing a tendency to the sustainability.


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How to Cite

Blanco Imbert, A., Fernández Betancourt, I., Limeres Jiménez, T., Cintra, M., Márquez, J. A., & Borges Escandon, O. (2019). Evaluation of the impact and the sustainability of a standard sustainable management of the land in areas with reduce ecosystems and excessive climatological conditions . Iberoamerican Environment & Sustainability Journal, 2(1), 39-45. https://doi.org/10.46380/rias.v2i1.37



Sustainable land management and food security