Dasonomia of the Cuba royal palm in sustainable systems of porcine production.


  • Lázara Ayala González Institute of Animal Science, Cuba
  • Julio Ly Carmenatti Swine Research Institute, Cuba
  • Ramón Arias San Martin Swine Research Institute, Cuba
  • Yuvan Contino Esquijerosa Experimental Station of Pastures and Forages Indio Hatuey, Cuba
  • Néstor Vicente Acosta Lozano Santa Elena Peninsula State University, Ecuador
  • Verónica Cristina Andrade Yucailla Amazon State University, Ecuador




farming, pigs, propagation, royal palm


An experimental sequence was set up to investigate the propagation of the royal palms (Roystonea regia H:B:K Cook) as part of the amicable production sustainable, biological and economical of the palm grove and pigs. A matrix was organized DAFO to know and to transform the status of the propagation of palms. A survey was applied to 40 farmers at random, who raise pigs, and members of the cooperatives located in Artemisa and Mayabeque provinces in the Cuban. There was an investigation about the practices in the growing of palm and a digital bank of data was established, and a second digital bank was set up with information located in internet related to dasonomia the palmaceas. Finally, the surveys registered that the collection of seedlings of royal palms was the majority in the propagation (50-66.7% of preference). The bank of data about the palmaceas propagation gathered 200 documents. The study of the information allowed to prepare an article about Botany and the propagation of the Cuban royal palm, without antecedents since Roig‘s studies. It has 13 sections and 90 bibliographical references.  This metaanalysis suggested that the propagation of the Roystoneas can pass from the traditional practice to the speck or selection of seedlings that were barn next to the mother palm to contemporary techniques as to cultivate tissue, allowing to use genetic tools of selection and hybridization, to obtain rapidly trees with less height and fruits with more lipid and less cellular wall.


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How to Cite

Ayala González, L., Carmenatti, J. L., Arias San Martin, R., Contino Esquijerosa, Y., Acosta Lozano, N. V., & Andrade Yucailla, V. C. (2019). Dasonomia of the Cuba royal palm in sustainable systems of porcine production. Iberoamerican Environment & Sustainability Journal, 2(1), 33-38. https://doi.org/10.46380/rias.v2i1.36



Sustainable land management and food security

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