Customer satisfaction of the Commercial Department of the Electric Company of Ecuador, as a key element for environmental management in human settlements


  • Victor Emilio Molina Sigcho Fondo Verde, Ecuador



business sustainability, efficient management, electricity consumption, public administration, sustainable processes


The objective of the study was to carry out a diagnosis to determine the satisfaction of the service offered by the Electric Company of Ecuador. Through the bibliographic review, the main conceptual schemes related to continuous process improvement, corporate social responsibility and its impact on public administration in relation to the electricity sector were identified. An evaluation of the current situation of the commercialization process was carried out to know the opinions of subscribers, authorities and officials in relation to the service provided by the Marketing Department of said company. It was learned that the actions for billing quality control are currently presenting situations that affect the institutional image and the perception of subscribers who pay for the service. Through a survey directed at subscribers, it was established that the majority have problems with the billing and collection service. Finally, it is concluded that efforts to structure a management model are crucial for the success of management at the institutional level.


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How to Cite

Molina Sigcho, V. E. (2023). Customer satisfaction of the Commercial Department of the Electric Company of Ecuador, as a key element for environmental management in human settlements. Iberoamerican Environment & Sustainability Journal, 6, e286.



Environmental management in human settlements