Urban conformations and construction pathologies: a project that articulates environmental education in and with the communities


  • Daniel Marchetti University of Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Amado Batista Mainegra University of Havana, Cuba
  • Odette González Aportela University of Havana, Cuba




environmental education, nucleation networks, popular habitat, settlements


Education is an essential factor in widely recognized social, cultural and economic development. The accumulation of scientific knowledge and technological applications have transformed human life, bringing great benefits to society; However, humanity is experiencing difficult times in the presence of a global, economic, food, environmental and cultural systemic crisis. This reality requires a change of mentality and attitude that leads to a culture for sustainable development, that promotes and enhances a greater will to integrate man into his environment, which is why the objective of this article is to promote educational work. and conservation of a healthy habitat, carried out by students and teachers in the "Barrio Obrero" and in the "Barrio Bermejo", Lugano, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires (CABA), Argentina. Methods of the theoretical, empirical and statistical level were used for the search, processing and analysis of all the information, and we worked applying elements of the participatory action research. The structuring of its urban environmental scheme and the detection of constructive pathologies in self-built or self-managed homes were committed; maneuvers for the resolution of habitat materialization were defined; as well as a community trained in the care of the environment and health; Social ties and visibility with government agencies, public and private entities were strengthened, achieving works to improve the habitat and the construction of a Community Information Center, as well as allowing the university and the neighborhood to be united for a common good.


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How to Cite

Marchetti, D., Batista Mainegra, A., & González Aportela, O. (2018). Urban conformations and construction pathologies: a project that articulates environmental education in and with the communities. Iberoamerican Environment & Sustainability Journal, 1(2), 40-51. https://doi.org/10.46380/rias.v1i2.27



Education, culture and environmental communicatione