Contribution and new challenges of the Educational Strategy on the environment at the Municipal University Center of Cabaiguán.


  • Raquel de la Cruz Soriano Universidad de Sancti Spíritus, Cuba



educational strategy, environment, future challenges, impacts


Environmental education must be based on critical and innovative thinking, at any time and place, in its formal, non-formal and informal expressions, promoting transformation and the construction of society. The research aims to: Demonstrate the contribution and challenges of the educational strategy on the environment at the Municipal University Center of Cabaiguán. The contribution of this strategy consisted in contextualizing the learning-learning strategy for environmental education. It was structured in six stages: Introduction, diagnosis, general objective, strategic planning, instrumentation and evaluation. It was based on theoretical and empirical methods: analysis and synthesis, induction-deduction, historical-logical, modeling, and systemic, document review, observation, survey, seminar and questionnaire. The educational strategy was designed based on the diagnosis, it was theoretically and methodologically based on philosophical, sociological, psychological and pedagogical bases, with a scientific approach that favored its development. It focused on cross-cutting education to the three substantive processes of higher education in correspondence with the search for solutions to environmental problems from the local to the global, the stages through which the historical development of environmental education in Cuba has gone through, considering it an integrated and sustainable development concept, with a deep recognition of the social and the cultural.


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How to Cite

de la Cruz Soriano, R. . (2018). Contribution and new challenges of the Educational Strategy on the environment at the Municipal University Center of Cabaiguán. Iberoamerican Environment & Sustainability Journal, 1(2), 5-19.



Education, culture and environmental communicatione

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