Analysis of Motivations towards responsible social practices in small and medium sized enterprises in the tourism sector of Ensenada, Baja California




correlation, corporate social responsibility, SMEs, tourism


In the tourism sector, corporate social responsibility is at a time when more and more organizations include it as part of the new social demands that can give them a differential attribute. For this reason, it is relevant to know the motivations that drive the development of these practices. Through the application of surveys, Pearson's correlation analysis and a simple linear regression, this work aimed to analyze the relationship between internal motivations (organizational ethics and competitiveness) and external (pressure from and relationship with stakeholders), and corporate social responsibility practices in the social, environmental and economic fields. From the results obtained, it was identified that internal motivations showed a higher degree of association with all corporate social responsibility practices (r=0.636), while among the external ones, stakeholder pressure was only related to environmental practices (r=0.205); and the relationship with stakeholders, with economic practices (r=0.238).


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How to Cite

González Rosales, V. M. (2021). Analysis of Motivations towards responsible social practices in small and medium sized enterprises in the tourism sector of Ensenada, Baja California. Iberoamerican Environment & Sustainability Journal, 4, e170.



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