Sustainability strategy for private nature reserves. Case studies in Costa Rica




conservation of protected areas, ecotourism, private protected areas, sustainability indicators , sustainable development


In Costa Rica there are more than 210 private nature reserves members of the Costa Rican Association of Natural Reserves and others that are not linked to this organization; however, little is known about these and their contributions to conservation. The study aimed to propose a sustainability strategy model for private natural reserves, based on the case of San Ramón, Alajuela; that will contribute to the strengthening of conservation processes, through the assessment of its environmental, sociocultural, economic and administrative components. Four private nature reserves of the canton were selected, based on previously established criteria. Initially, a system of 28 sustainability indicators for private reserves was developed, this system was applied in the four participating reserves. Parque Aventura San Luis reserve obtained the highest level of sustainability (71.5 %); meanwhile, the lowest level was obtained by Cerro La Tinajita reserve (43.3 %). In general terms, the sociocultural dimension was the one that presented the best levels of sustainability and the economic dimension obtained the lowest levels when analyzing the four reserves. Finally, a strategic sustainability plan was proposed, based on the results obtained in the assessment.


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How to Cite

Arrieta García, M. M., & Moya Calderón, M. (2021). Sustainability strategy for private nature reserves. Case studies in Costa Rica. Iberoamerican Environment & Sustainability Journal, 4, e106.



Sustainable use of biodiversity and management of protected areas