
The Iberoamerican Environment & Sustainability Journal is indexed / cataloged / registered in the following databases and scientific information systems:

LATINDEX Catalog 2.0, regional online information system for scientific journals from Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal. Its mission is to disseminate, make accessible and raise the quality of the academic journals published in the region, through shared work

LatinREV, Latin American network of academic journals in social sciences and humanities, of the Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences (FLACSO). Argentina.

MIAR, Information Matrix for Journal Analysis, collects data for the identification and analysis of scientific journals; in addition to showing the visibility in databases and offering information on the presence of the journal in different repositories. University of Barcelona, Spain.

PERIÓDICA, (Index of Latin American Journals in Sciences) is a database that offers bibliographic records of original articles, technical reports, case studies, short communications and other documents published in more than 1600 Latin American and Caribbean journals specialized in all areas of medicine, exact and natural sciences. It is developed by the General Directorate of Libraries of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). Mexico.

BIBLAT, a portal specialized in scientific and academic journals published in Latin America and the Caribbean, offers bibliographic references and full text of the articles and documents published in more than 3,000 journals indexed in CLASS and PERIÓDICA. BIBLAT is developed by the General Directorate of Libraries of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). Mexico.

Google Scholar, Google search engine focused and specialized in the search for scientific-academic content and other services (Library, Rankig of journals, Alerts, Researcher Profile). United States of America.

REDIB, Iberoamerican Network for Innovation and Scientific Knowledge, platform for aggregation of scientific and academic content in electronic format produced in the Ibero-American field. Spain.

WorldCat, a world catalog managed by the Online Computer Library Center, considered the largest online catalog in the world. United States of America.

Sherpa Romeo, is an online resource that aggregates and presents publisher and journal open access policies from around the world. The policy information provided through this service primarily aims to serve the academic research community.

OAI, Open Archives Initiative, is an initiative of the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the Coalition for Networked Information, the Digital Library Federation, the National Science Foundation and the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation in collaboration with Cornell University. United States of America.

OAJI, Open Academic Journals Index, a full-text database of open access scientific journals developed by the International Network Center for Fundamental and Applied Research. United States.

Refseek, a search engine that aims to make academic information easily accessible. RefSeek searches over a billion documents, including web pages, books, encyclopedias, magazines, and newspapers. United States of America.

Crossref, official digital object identifier (DOI) registration agency of the DOI International Foundation. United States of America and United Kingdom.

JournalTOCs, contains TOC article metadata for more than 36,000 journals collected directly from more than 3,750 publishers. JournalTOCs is the largest collection of scholarly searchable tables of contents (TOCs) at Heriot-Watt University. United Kingdom.

Jurn, a search engine dedicated to the indexing of open access humanities electronic journals. JURN contains around 3,000 live web links to selected or free open access periodicals. United Kingdom.

ROAD, Directory of Open Access Scholarly Resources, provides free access to a set of open access bibliographic records, created by the ISSN Network. ROAD is linked to the actions carried out by the United Nations Organization for Science, Education and Culture (UNESCO) to promote public access to scientific resources. ROAD is a complement to GOAP (Global Open Access Portal), developed by UNESCO. This portal presents the state of scientific information in open access (free and free) around the world. France.

BASE, Bielefeld Academic Search Engine, one of the largest search engines in the world, especially for academic web resources. BASE provides more than 150 million documents from more than 7,000 sources. BASE is operated by the Bielefeld University Library. Germany.

EZB, Electronic Journals Library, comprises more than 100,000 titles from all areas of knowledge, 23,555 of which are available online only. In addition, 132 205 journals are listed, which are provided by aggregators. Founded by the Library of the University of Regensburg in cooperation with the Library of the Technische Universität München. Germany.

ZDB, Zeitschriften Datenbank, one of the world's largest databases for magazines, newspapers, monographic series and other serials from all countries and in all languages. Austria and Germany.

ICI, Index Copernicus International, international indexing database of scientific journals developed by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. Poland.

ESJI, Eurasian Scientific Journal Index, journal indexing and impact factor calculation service based on Eurasian Citation Reports and Eurasian Scientific Index. Kazakhstan.

OpenAIRE, Open Access Infrastructure for Research in Europe, technological and services infrastructure created to support, accelerate and measure the correct implementation of European policies on open access to scientific publications and research data. European Union.

EuroPub, comprehensive and multipurpose database that covers academic literature, with indexed records of active journals and increases the visibility of open access academic journals, thus promoting their greater use and impact. United Kingdom.

CiteFactor: provides indexing of the main international journals and proceedings. The purpose is to increase the visibility and ease of use of open access scientific and academic journals. United States.

SJIFactor: is a platform to promote scientific achievements, as well as to support publishers and scientific communities interested in research activities in areas of innovation and applied science.

ISI, International Scientific Indexing, provides indexing of the main journals with the purpose of increasing the visibility and ease of use of the open access journals. United Arab Emirates.

ROOTINDEXING, Root Society for Indexing and Impact Factor Service, provides indexing to all types of journals to gain international visibility of research and also provides impact factor (RIF-Root Impact Factor). India.

I2OR, provides indexing of major international journals and conference proceedings, with a purpose to increase the visibility and ease of use of open access scientific and scholarly journals. Australia-India.

DRJI, Directory of Research Journals Indexing, free online service for searching web resources. India.

ResearchBib, Academic Resource Index, high standard indexing database for researchers and publishers. Japan.

Dardo: system of publication of announcements of calls or call for papers of open access scientific journals; whose objective is the dissemination of serial publications and provide accurate and reliable information on where to send your manuscripts. Colombia.

Zenodo: a general-purpose open access repository developed under the European OpenAIRE program and operated by the European Organization for Nuclear Research. Switzerland.

Analysis tools

Mendeley, a manager of bibliographic references and research documents developed by Elsevier. Holland., provides publishers with global research publication data to distinguish the most promising scientific results. United Kingdom.

Consorcised journal

Universidad Estatal del Sur de Manabí, Ecuador
Universidad Estatal del Sur de Manabí, Ecuador
Universidad Estatal del Sur de Manabí, Ecuador
Universidad Estatal del Sur de Manabí, Ecuador
Universidad Estatal del Sur de Manabí, Ecuador
Universidad de El Salvador
Escuela Superior Politécnica Agropecuaria de Manabí Manuel Félix López, Ecuador
Universidad Pedagógica de El Salvador Dr. Luis Alonso Aparicio, El Salvador
Universidad de El Salvador, El Salvador
Universidad Autónoma de Santa Ana, El Salvador
Universidad Metropolitana de Educación, Ciencia y Tecnología, Panamá
Universidad Estatal del Sur de Manabí, Ecuador
Universidad Católica de Cuenca, Ecuador
Universidad de Cienfuegos, Cuba
Universidad de Oriente, Cuba
Centro de Investigaciones y Servicios Ambientales ECOVIDA, Cuba
Universidad de La Habana, Cuba
Sociedad Exced Internacional S.A.S, Ecuador