Seed and plan quality marks of two species from Cedrela cultivate on a nursery garden for restoration on amazon condition.


  • Diego Armando Ureta Leones Amazon State University, Ecuador
  • Mónica Mishell Ocaña Martínez Amazon State University, Ecuador
  • Araceli Gladys Medina Gahona Amazon State University, Ecuador
  • Welington Víctor Yunga García Amazon State University, Ecuador
  • Yudel García Quintana Amazon State University, Ecuador
  • Yasiel Arteaga Crespo Amazon State University, Ecuador



forest species, nursery, quality marks


The objective of the investigation was to evaluate the seed and plant quality marks of two species of Cedrela (Cedrela odorata and Cedrela fissilis) gender with the finality of restoration of degraded areas by the silvopasture. The work has been developed on a nursery garden campus of the Amazon State University, and includes the control stage of germination process and the morphological development of the plants. At the germination stage we determinate the mass, purity, capacity to germinate, energy to germinate, useful value, germination start, average time for germination and vigor for germinate; we also made tests of viability with tetrazolium at 1%. At nursery stage we evaluate the parameters: Dickson´s quality index, slenderness and the relation aerial dry–radical dry weight. We determinate that plant quality is related with the morphophysiological parameters. The two seed species present a high viability as a mark of its high quality. The morphometric development was adequate, this indicate higher capacity to transport water and nutrients, as reflect of its potentiality to survive and growth. The results show that quality markers are an effective diagnosis tool to foreseen its aptitude, survival capacity, grow potentiality and acclimatization responding to the ecological restoration program on the amazon condition.


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How to Cite

Ureta Leones, D. A. ., Ocaña Martínez, M. M., Medina Gahona, A. G., Yunga García, W. V., García Quintana, Y., & Arteaga Crespo, Y. (2019). Seed and plan quality marks of two species from Cedrela cultivate on a nursery garden for restoration on amazon condition. Iberoamerican Environment & Sustainability Journal, 2(3 (Edición especial), 193-202.



Sustainable land management and food security

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