Effectiveness of sediments from the Colta lagoon as an organic fertilizer for the soil recuperation on cultivate of coriander.


  • Edwin Alexander Tituaña Yamberla Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador
  • Jhenny Marlene Cayambe Terán Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador
  • Diego Miguel Puerres Vera Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador
  • Marco Heredia Rengifo Amazon State University, Ecuador




effectiveness, organic fertilizer, sediments


Around the world the soil degradation and its decrease on useful life is an agricultural fact, Ecuador is part of these. And this is because the low agricultural knowledge, especially on the excessive uses of chemical fertilizers that deteriorate the soil condition. An alternative solution to this problem is the use of organic fertilizers that enhances its structure and at the same time reduces the environmental contamination. The sediment of a lake dredging is a potential alternative for the recovering of those soils we need to exploit. The main objective of this work was to evaluate the behavior of the dredging sediments from the Colta lagoon as an alternative organic fertilizer for transitory plantation on Ibarra area, Imbabura region. The experimental place was a farm that belongs to the Agricultural Science School from the Catholic University of Ecuador. On the investigation we applied four different examples from the lake sediments, and processed as fertilizer thru a dry out, oxygenate, inoculated with selected bacteria and finally sieving; and lately incorporate to the soil, dozed according to the soil weigh in a 3 x 1 x 0.20 m. the benefits can be seen thru the performance data, also with the results on quality soils before and after the use of sediments. Proving that the strategy used is an effective alternative and promotes the sustainable agriculture.


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How to Cite

Tituaña Yamberla, E. A., Cayambe Terán, J. M., Puerres Vera, D. M., & Heredia Rengifo, M. (2019). Effectiveness of sediments from the Colta lagoon as an organic fertilizer for the soil recuperation on cultivate of coriander. Iberoamerican Environment & Sustainability Journal, 2(3 (Edición especial), 179-185. https://doi.org/10.46380/rias.v2i3.65



Sustainable land management and food security