Institutional environmental control. The National University of Costa Rica case.


  • Fabián Chavarría Solera National University, Costa Rica



environmental control, environmental measures, indicators


Since 2012 the National university of Costa Rica starts to work in the institutional of environmental management program (PGAI) establish through the executive decree N° 36499-S-MINAET regulation for the institutional of environmental management program elaboration in the public sector in Costa Rica. On these frame, the objective of this study was to determinate the environmental behavior of the UNA and the advance degree of the strategies and actions previously established and its possible effectiveness thru the verification of the institutional electric, water, fossil fuels, paper and usable solid waste demand for the 2011 – 2016 period. With this we have an environmental control through reliable, verifiable and accessible indicators.  The monthly data used on the analysis were added to obtain annual values and divided between the university populations for the per capita indicators. At the per capita level the annual consumption quantity of the institution have been reduced. These results are due to the improvement on the implementation of environmental action and goals that integrate the whole university population, looking for a sustainable development in the institution.


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How to Cite

Chavarría Solera, F. (2019). Institutional environmental control. The National University of Costa Rica case. Iberoamerican Environment & Sustainability Journal, 2(3 (Edición especial), 110-124.



Education, culture and environmental communicatione