Environmental education for sustainable development: student issues and current practices.


  • Pedro Felisberto Miguel Bondo Agostinho Neto University, Angola




current practices, environmental education, student life, sustainable development


Environmental education and sustainability have implications for the economic, cultural, ethical, social and spiritual inclusion of peoples. The commitments of international organizations such as United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and other NGOs such as Wild World Foundation have allowed a series of conferences and declarations to be held calling for global engagement. Despite these intentions and commitments, the state of the planet goes from bad to worse. That is why the 2030 Agenda insisted on the need to implement initiatives and participate in promoting environmental education and sustainable development. It is based on this perspective that the Higher Institute of Educational Sciences in Lubango opened the Master in Science Teaching, having as one of the modules Social problems of science, technology and environment. The module's objective is to train students in the participation of building resilient communities through the massification of environmental education from the fundamental level to higher education with the inclusion of new ecological components, placing the dimension of environmental education at the center of student affairs and current practices. In this communication we use the qualitative and quantitative method and present a review on the impact of the problem of environmental education and its relationship with sustainable development, we synthesize the types of environmental problems identified by students and their understanding of the need for massive environmental education within of young students.


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How to Cite

Miguel Bondo, P. F. (2019). Environmental education for sustainable development: student issues and current practices. Iberoamerican Environment & Sustainability Journal, 2(3 (Edición especial), 99-109. https://doi.org/10.46380/rias.v2i3.58



Education, culture and environmental communicatione