Monitoring the water quality of the Chinchaycocha lake, thru remote sensing techniques.


  • Christian Ayala Jesús Esterd Consultores S.A.C., Peru
  • Marco Antonio Herrera Díaz Esterd Consultores S.A.C., Peru



lake, operational land imager, reflectivity, trophic state


The remote sensing technique or remote perception can be used to estimate the water quality variables, such as chlorophyll, total suspended matter and water clearness. This article presents empiric algorithms for its estimation which use the Operational Land Imager (OLI) sensor data from the satellite Landsat 8/LCDM. The data were taken from the Chinchaycocha lake, because it has nutritive substances that improve the algae production and other aquatic plants that deteriorate the water quality. We obtain empiric equations to estimate chlorophyll on the relation of reflectivity values with the Chavez method, between 3 and 5 OLI sensor bands; the transparency through the disco de secchi, the influence on the 3 and 4 bands; and the total suspended matter influence on band 5; shows as a result, maps of Chinchaycocha lake were the values of this parameters can be seen. This investigation supports the techniques used.


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How to Cite

Ayala Jesús, C., & Herrera Díaz, M. A. (2019). Monitoring the water quality of the Chinchaycocha lake, thru remote sensing techniques. Iberoamerican Environment & Sustainability Journal, 2(2), 23-31.



Databases, remote perception and GIS applied to environmental management