Methodology for crop zoning with sustainability criteria based on freely accessible geographic information for Colombia


  • Nicolas Albarracin Bohórquez Politécnico Grancolombiano, Colombia
  • Oscar Fradique Escobar Pardo Corporación Unificada Nacional de Educación Superior, Colombia



agricultural planning, geographic information system, land use, sustainable agriculture


The proposed methodology for crop zoning with sustainability criteria is based on action-research and begins by identifying the minimum parameters expected from a sustainable production model. These parameters are then classified to identify which of them can be applied to a zoning context through the use of geographic information systems and which depend on the implementation of good practices by producers. Finally, the process of analyzing the available information is carried out and the possible sources of geographic information are revealed. Therefore, a zoning model with sustainability criteria is proposed that uses geographic information available in Colombia, such as soil, climate, land use, protected areas, indigenous territories and poverty levels; all with the aim of providing a useful tool for decision-making in production chains, promoting sustainable agriculture and environmental conservation.


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How to Cite

Albarracin Bohórquez, N., & Escobar Pardo, O. F. (2025). Methodology for crop zoning with sustainability criteria based on freely accessible geographic information for Colombia. Iberoamerican Environment & Sustainability Journal, 8, e427.



Sustainable land management and food security