Local tourist diagnosis to promote the sustainable and authentic tourism in Yagüajay.


  • Mario Antonio Zulueta Acea University of Sancti Spíritus, Cuba
  • Sinaí Boffill Vega University of Sancti Spíritus, Cuba
  • Osvaldo Romero Romero University of Sancti Spíritus, Cuba




communities, local patrimony, local touristic diagnosis, sustainable


Fomenting the local tourism constitutes one of the strategic lines of the development in Yagüajay. In this place there are communities with landscapes and patrimonial values of great importance, but there are only some touristic attractions, although there are potential places that have not been sufficiently operated. That is the reason for which appeared the idea to promote a tourism with great community participation to make good use of the advantages of the municipality, due to its location between Coco and Santa Maria’s cays and to create touristic additional attractions. The intention is to promote and develop it to show the authentic life of the locality by means of its material and immaterial patrimony. This work has the purpose socialize the results of the diagnosis fulfilled with this objective, taking into account the tools, techniques and methods of investigations to collect the information incorporating to the designed procedures for such effects. As results were identified integral actions to develop by the government in the territory and their performers, in order to potentiate  the local tourism that is the ambition , with a sustainable use of the natural resources as water, energy, raw materials,  the protection of natural landscapes,  and the cultural patrimony; besides the production of foods in agrobiodiverse systems and in  agroindustrial processes of territory the typical local food; all of this in a new place of touristic attraction, authentic and sustainable.


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How to Cite

Zulueta Acea, M. A., Boffill Vega, S., & Romero Romero, O. (2019). Local tourist diagnosis to promote the sustainable and authentic tourism in Yagüajay. Iberoamerican Environment & Sustainability Journal, 2(1), 62-67. https://doi.org/10.46380/rias.v2i1.40



Sustainable tourism