Holistic conservation and management of Nothofagus forests on the Brunswick Peninsula, Chile


  • Leon Hauenschild Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden
  • Gabriel Zegers Asociación de Investigadores del Museo de Historia Natural Río Seco, Chile
  • Lars Östlund Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden




ancestral lands, ecological restoration, forest history, holistic conservation, historical ecology


The objective of this study was to evaluate the impact of the historical use of the coastal Nothofagus forests on their natural and cultural value along the eastern coast of the Brunswick Peninsula, Chile. For this purpose, we reviewed historical records on the territory and evaluated changes in forest structure along transects from the coast to the interior at three different sites. On each plot of the transects, we measured diameters and basal area and took dendrochronological samples from the trees. We also measured dead wood and recorded signs of historical intervention. The results indicate that these forests were logged, and that there were more significant differences between logged and unlogged plots than between sites. Variables that differed were diameters, age, and basal areas of dead trees and of D. winteri. In some cases, it was possible to link the differences between plots of one site to its historical uses. The time elapsed and the limited spatial extent of logging present a real opportunity for the conservation and restoration of these forests with high natural and cultural values.


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How to Cite

Hauenschild, L., Zegers, G., & Östlund, L. (2023). Holistic conservation and management of Nothofagus forests on the Brunswick Peninsula, Chile. Iberoamerican Environment & Sustainability Journal, 6, e295. https://doi.org/10.46380/rias.vol6.e295



Sustainable use of biodiversity and management of protected areas