The sustainable landscape, a vision from geoecology


  • José Manuel Mateo Rodríguez ⴕ Universidad de la Habana, Cuba
  • Manuel Bollo Manent Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México



sustainable development, geography, environmental systems, sustainability


The conception of Sustainable Development, an idea formulated by the United Nations, aims to draw a path that allows the articulation of economic growth, social equity and the optimization and improvement of the state of the environment. The international scientific community is obliged to formulate the theoretical - methodological foundations that lead to establish practical courses that allow to incorporate in a reliable way sustainability to the development processes. The notion of sustainable landscape, as a formulation aimed at building a comprehensive vision of the sustainability of spatial and environmental systems, began to be addressed in Russian-Soviet Geography since the 1980s. The objective of the article is to present the basic elements of the Theory on the Sustainable Landscape from Geoecology, with a scientific, qualitative approach, based on the experiences of the authors in its formulation and application in some Latin American countries. For this, an analysis of the conception of sustainable development was carried out, the role of Geography in sustainability, the interpretation of the landscape category used by Geoecology, the sustainable landscape was defined from the geoecological approach and the instruments for its design.


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How to Cite

Mateo Rodríguez ⴕ J. M., & Bollo Manent, M. (2023). The sustainable landscape, a vision from geoecology. Iberoamerican Environment & Sustainability Journal, 6, e290.



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