Virtual pedagogical experience of environmental education: Eco brick challenge




consumption habits, environmental didactics, participatory action, pedagogical strategy, responsible consumption


This paper documents the experience of the eco-brick challenge as a pedagogical strategy with university students in virtual mode. The objective is to recognize the individual contribution in the generation of waste and responsible consumption by students. The challenge consisted of recovering inorganic waste for 21 days to place it inside a polyethylene terephthalate bottle. This activity had to be documented daily using the Blackboard® diary tool. A qualitative analysis of the content of each student's diary was carried out, using the QDA Miner® software, the information was categorized into before, during and after the challenge. At the end of the challenge, the students saw themselves as agents of change because with small individual actions they can make a difference for the planet. 41% of the participants promised to improve their consumption habits to reduce the amount of waste, and 19% stated that they would continue to carry out the eco-brick. Although an ecobrick is not the solution to environmental problems, it is a tool that motivates action because the student makes changes in her lifestyle in the hope that she will apply it in her future professional life.


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How to Cite

Ramírez Rubio, L. (2022). Virtual pedagogical experience of environmental education: Eco brick challenge. Iberoamerican Environment & Sustainability Journal, 5, e270.



Education, culture and environmental communicatione