Gender and environment: A binomial that imposes challenges in post of sustainable development.




action plan, environmental education, gender, university education


This research aims to design an action plan to mainstream the gender approach in the Environmental Education Strategy of the "Enrique José Varona" University of Pedagogical Sciences (UCPEJV). For this, a series of goals and actions will be proposed that will imply a logical, interconnected and coherent inclusion of the gender perspective in the process of design and implementation of actions that promote the conservation of the environment. Its usefulness lies in its contribution to pedagogical theory in the training of teachers based on conceptualization, the determination of theoretical-methodological references for understanding the gender-environment link for a sustainable development. As well as the proposal of thematic axes that may be addressed by the teaching staff, taking into account the content system of the subjects they teach; this will allow eliminating the biological positions with which the topic is approached and integrating the psychological, pedagogical and social components. Likewise, it will allow conceiving and guiding the pedagogical process in the university itself from a school dynamic, which produces a dialectical relationship between activity and communication through the direct link of each of the participants on the basis of respect for differences, equity and responsibility.


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How to Cite

Cisneros Ricardo, Y. (2018). Gender and environment: A binomial that imposes challenges in post of sustainable development. Iberoamerican Environment & Sustainability Journal, 1(2), 20-30.



Education, culture and environmental communicatione