Proposal for the development of road infrastructure in the Sabana-Camagüey archipelago


  • Juan Pablo Cabrera Díaz University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China - Universidad de La Habana, Cuba
  • Dunia Cabrera Díaz Universidad de Pinar del Río, Cuba



causeways, connectivity, multimodal transport, natural resource management


In the Sabana-Camagüey archipelago, to the north of Cuba, it has been proposed to increase tourist activity. However, the transport infrastructure of this region seems insufficient to support this change. Due to its geographical characteristics, this area is very vulnerable to the direct incidence of hurricanes, cold fronts, and other natural phenomena, which threaten connectivity and the good condition of the roads. The objective of this work was to develop a proposal that allows establishing a connection between the main tourist poles of that region. During the different stages of the investigation, the intense daily pendular flows of workers and the transport of loads, materials and construction equipment were analyzed. The incidence of natural phenomena, such as cyclones and cold fronts, on existing structures, both in the keys and connecting them, was also analyzed. As a result, three variants of a possible road infrastructure system were obtained that favor the link between the different tourist poles of the northern keys of Cuba, based on multimodal transport systems that can reduce the vulnerability of the area, improve connectivity, and favor the maintenance of the existing transport infrastructure.


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How to Cite

Cabrera Díaz, J. P., & Cabrera Díaz, D. . (2022). Proposal for the development of road infrastructure in the Sabana-Camagüey archipelago. Iberoamerican Environment & Sustainability Journal, 5, e233.



Management of environmental risks and climate change