Phytoremediation with Eichhornia crassipes in wastewater from the Jipijapa canton, Ecuador


  • Bryan Esteven Duran Mera Universidad Estatal del Sur de Manabí, Ecuador
  • Margarita Jesús Lino García Universidad Estatal del Sur de Manabí, Ecuador



aquatic plants, bioassay, bioremediation, water treatment


Wastewater is an environmental problem that threatens aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems, so the objective of the research was to carry out a phytoremediation test with aquatic plants in wastewater from the Jipijapa canton treatment plant. The methodology used consisted of an experiment where three Eichhornia crassipes plants from an area with high population density were put to the test; these plants went through an acclimatization process and then were subjected to effluent water from the treatment plant for nine days. Before and after starting the bioassay, the parameters of pH, electrical conductivity, turbidity, color, and odor
were analyzed. Physicochemical tests resulted in an acidic pH of 5.5, conductivity of 156.0 S/cm, turbidity of 49.8%, dark brown coloration, and bad odor of the water before starting the study. After nine days the parameters were pH of 8.17, conductivity of 256.4 S/cm, turbidity of 4.71%, colorless with solids and odorless. The results obtained corroborated the problem with the water from the residual treatment plant and the phytoremediation capacity of E. crassipes; which can be a friendly solution to the environment in the treatment of wastewater.


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How to Cite

Duran Mera, B. E., & Lino García, M. J. (2023). Phytoremediation with Eichhornia crassipes in wastewater from the Jipijapa canton, Ecuador. Iberoamerican Environment & Sustainability Journal, 6, e221.



Sustainable management of water resources