Contribution of methane gas emissions produced by cattle to climate change




diet, enteric fermentation, mitigation, rumen, ruminants


The livestock sector is one of the main systems that contribute to the sustainable development of agriculture, its main contributions are in food security, nutrition and economic growth, however, this sector is responsible for the emission of a large amount of gases greenhouse. This work had the purpose of showing the contributions that livestock production presents in the face of climate change, identifying the main source of contamination in the sector, as well as the mitigation alternatives for the present problem. For this, the related topics from different sources were analyzed, obtaining relevant information for the support of the work. As a result, it was possible to show that methane gas emissions produced by cattle are one of the factors that contribute to climate change, which is why it has become a global problem due to its negative impacts.


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How to Cite

Tigmasa Paredes, K. P. (2022). Contribution of methane gas emissions produced by cattle to climate change. Iberoamerican Environment & Sustainability Journal, 5, e215.



Management of environmental risks and climate change