La Environmental research in the IF Sertão-PE and its contribution to sustainable development in the semi-aird territories of Brazil


  • Clecia Simone Goncalves Rosa Pacheco Instituto Federal do Sertão Pernambucano, Brasil



environment, mission, sustainability, vision


The Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Sertão Pernambucano (IF Sertão-PE) has the mission of promoting sustainable regional development, with emphasis on science and technology, through teaching, research, extension and innovation, forming people capable of transforming society. Its vision is to be an institution of excellence at all levels and teaching modalities, articulated with research and extension, committed to social transformation, based on ethics and citizenship. The purpose of this article is to present some reports of developed and developing research in the IF Sertão-PE and its relevance for the development of semi-arid territories, seeking a sustainable coexistence between nature and society, as well as highlighting the way in which such investigations and activities related to them are developed, as a practical form of execution between the institution and the local and regional society.


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Gobierno Federal de la República del Brasil. (2017). Agenda Ambiental de Administración Pública (A3p). Ministerio del Medio Ambiente. http://www.Mma.Gov.Br/Responsabilidade-Socioambiental/A3p
Instituto Federal del Sertão Pernambucano (2016). Informe Gestor Coordinación de Postgrado PROPIP. Relatoría de Gestión. http://www.Ifsertao-Pe.Edu.Br/Images/E-Sic/Relatorio-Gestao-2016.Pdf
Instituto Federal del Sertão Pernambucano (2017a). Programa de Desenvolvimiento Institucional (Pdi). https://www.Ifsertao-Pe.Edu.Br/Images/If_Sertao-Pe/Documentos/Pdi%202014-2018.Pdf
Instituto Federal del Sertão Pernambucano (2017b). Propuesta de Implementación del Núcleo de Pesquisa Geoambiental (NuPGeo).
Instituto Federal Del Sertão Pernambucano (2017c). Pró-Rectoría de Pesquisa, Inovación y Posgrado (PROPIP) (2017). Informe de Gestión (2016-2017).
Instituto Federal Del Sertão Pernambucano (2017d). Núcleo de Innovación Tecnológica (NIT). Informe de Gestión (2016-2017).
Pacheco, C. S. G. R. (2014). Ecodinámica del paisaje paleodunar del río São Francisco Medio / BA: en defensa de las fronteras atacadas. [Tesis de Maestría no publicada] Instituto de Tecnología de Pernambuco (ITEP).


2018-06-29 — Updated on 2020-05-09

How to Cite

Goncalves Rosa Pacheco, C. S. (2020). La Environmental research in the IF Sertão-PE and its contribution to sustainable development in the semi-aird territories of Brazil. Iberoamerican Environment & Sustainability Journal, 1(1), 36-46.



Education, culture and environmental communicatione