Territorial tourism evaluation. Case study: Cojimíes, Ecuador


  • Yamil Doumet Chilán Escuela Superior Politécnica Agropecuaria de Manabí, Ecuador




local actors, territorial marketing, tourism destinations, tourism development, tourism management, tourism potential


The objective of the research was to evaluate the tourism potential of the municipality of ‘la parroquia’ Cojimes in the region of Pedernales, Ecuador. The most valuable characteristics of the region are the natural, cultural, and recreational resources. The research was descriptive in nature with a mixed focus. The outcome of the ecological environment was defined through a bibliographical publication, field visits to the area, and technical observation techniques. The analysis of tourism study was carried out through the stakeholder matrix, applied in the Pedernales Tourism Directorate, the Cojimíes Parish Board and the tourism service providers. In the same way, interviews were carried out with local actors to know the perception of tourism in the destination.The study of the competition was based on the choice of two sites with similar characteristics: Pedernales and Mompiche. For this, the competitive profile matrix was used and individually, the main aspects of the tourism sector were observed. Through the evaluation, the tourist potentialities were evidenced and strategies were proposed for the development of tourism in Cojimíes, integrating local actors, current trends and natural and cultural diversity.


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How to Cite

Doumet Chilán, Y. (2021). Territorial tourism evaluation. Case study: Cojimíes, Ecuador. Iberoamerican Environment & Sustainability Journal, 4, e124. https://doi.org/10.46380/rias.vol4.e124



Sustainable tourism

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