About the Journal

The Iberoamerican Environment & Sustainability Journal is a publication that covers various topics from different areas of knowledge, which have a direct impact on environmental management. It assumes four categories of scientific work:

  • Research articles
  • Literature reviews
  • Reflection articles or essays
  • Case studies

As long as they are considered as original shipments and respond to one of the following thematic axes:

  • Sustainable use of biodiversity and management of protected areas
  • Sustainable land management and food security
  • Management of environmental risks and climate change
  • Sustainable management of water resources
  • Environmental management in human settlements
  • Sustainable management of urban solid waste
  • Education, culture and environmental communication
  • Sustainable tourism
  • Policy and environmental law
  • Databases, remote perception and GIS applied to environmental management
  • University cooperation for sustainable development
  • Environmental health

The Iberoamerican Environment & Sustainability Journal is aimed primarily at professionals, teachers, researchers and students, mainly from Latin America, whether or not they are members of REIMA A.C., who are interested in publishing the results of their research through it. Its policy uses the continuous publication system, with a biannual frequency. The first issue of the year (January-June) is published in June and the second issue (July-December) in December. It also adheres to the Open Access initiative, in order to promote the immediate socialization of the results that are exposed as part of its content.

 Peer review process

Articles published in the Iberoamerican Environment & Sustainability Journal are submitted to double blind peer review by associate editors (Referees).

 Double blind review guarantee

The authors will submit their articles with their personal data (name and surname, email address and institution). Then, for sending them to the two experts in the field, they are devoid of this data.

 Open access policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content, in accordance with the principles that rule the socialization of knowledge.

 Editorial process

The Iberoamerican Environment & Sustainability Journal uses the Open Journal System for the management of the editorial process, which automates this procedure.

To File

This journal uses the LOCKSS system to create a file system distributed among collaborating libraries, allowing them to create permanent archives of the journal for preservation and restoration purposes.

Good practices and ethical declaration

The Iberoamerican Environment & Sustainability Journal is governed for its editorial and promotional work by the code of conduct and good practices that the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) establishes for editors of scientific journals; for these reasons, articles that contain, in whole or in part, contents of other contributions in an undeclared manner will be eliminated from the evaluation process. Authors are responsible for their works and therefore must guarantee that they are original and do not infringe copyright.

 Anti-plagiarism policy

The editorial board of the Iberoamerican Environment & Sustainability Journal uses iThenticate software to detect coincidences and similarities between the texts under evaluation and those previously published in other sources.

Interoperability Protocol

La Revista Iberoamericana Ambiente & Sustentabilidad incorporan protocolos de interoperabilidad que permiten a sus contenidos ser recolectados por otros sistemas de distribución, como repositorios digitales y cosechadores (harvesters). La revista usa el sistema OJS (Open Journals System que incorporan el protocolo de interoperabilidad OAI-PMH (Open Archive Initiative-Protocol for Metadata Harvesting) con la posibilidad de obtener diferentes formatos para los metadatos.
Protocolo: OAI-PMH Versión 2.0
Formatos de metadatos: Dublin Core; MARC; MARC21; RFC1807
Ruta para los cosechadores: https://ambiente-sustentabilidad.org/index.php/revista/oai

Since January 2024, the Ibero-American Environment & Sustainability Journal (RIAS) has not charged authors fees for receiving manuscripts, nor for the editorial management, publication or indexing of published articles.